THE COLBURN-KEENAN FOUNDATION, INC. is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt family foundation dedicated to improving the health and well being of individuals and families living with chronic illnesses, with priority placed on individuals and families living with and organizations serving the needs of those with bleeding disorders.Prior to their passing in 2006, Donald Colburn and his wife, Kathy Ann Keenan, established The Colburn-Keenan Foundation as a way to carry forward their legacy of community support and charitable giving. Donald and Kathy Ann understood the importance of community strength and community advocacy, and they understood the importance of giving back to the community. Their commitment to charitable giving included direct support for individuals and families, support for local and national organizations, for academic scholarships and for medical research. The Foundation carries on their philanthropic legacy and is a tribute to their life’s work. |
HOW DOES THE COLBURN-KEENAN FOUNDATION HELP? The Foundation’s Financial Aid Grants help ease the pressures on individuals and families with chronic inherited bleeding disorders. Grants to individuals in need help with uncovered medical bills, help families in crisis to pay their bills, help assure access to care that prevents disability and help improve quality of life. The Foundation’s Program Grants support organizations serving families with chronic inherited bleeding disorders, to underwrite worthy programs that improve quality of life and health. The Foundation’s Scholarship, the Beth Carew Memorial Scholarship, helps make the dream of higher education a reality. The number of scholarship awards vary and the scholarship amounts range from $500 – $6,000 annually and are not renewable. The Colburn-Keenan Foundation reserves the right to change the number of awards and the amounts based on the applicant pool and available funding. |
WHY SUPPORT THE COLBURN-KEENAN FOUNDATION? In a time when dozens, if not scores, of charitable organizations are seeking your support, you are faced with making critical decisions about where and how your donated dollars will be best used. Beginning in 2006, The Colburn-Keenan Foundation made a commitment to support underserved communities in great need of financial support. Your donation makes it possible for the Foundation to continue our charitable giving to individuals, families and organizations serving the bleeding disorders community. Our grant programs support education, advocacy, emergency medical and financial needs and medical research for treatment and cures. The Colburn-Keenan Foundation appreciates each and every gift. The Foundation Board will acknowledge all donations and will discuss with you various options for acknowledgment. |
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Your donation helps create a perpetual source of funding for the philanthropic goals cherished by Donald and Kathy Ann. Gifts to The Colburn-Keenan Foundation can be given in many ways. Smart philanthropy for you may be an outright gift of cash or stocks or a planned gift. A planned gift may be made during your lifetime or through an estate plan. The goal of planned giving is to enable you to maximize the benefits of a gift for yourself, for your family and for the Foundation while minimizing the cost of the gift. Some planned gifts provide you with income during your life. Other planned gifts provide a means to transfer assets to heirs while supporting the Foundation and minimizing or eliminating tax burdens. Life Income Gift Plans Charitable Gift Annuity Deferred Gift Annuity Pooled Income Fund Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust Charitable Remainder Unitrust Deferred Gift Plans Charitable Lead Trust Retained Life Estate Retirement Plans Outright Gifts Cash Securities or Bonds Real Estate Tangible Personal Property Life Insurance Bequests |
Donor support is most important, most appreciated, and always welcome. Donor support makes it possible for the Colburn-Keenan Foundation to provide critical support to individuals and families living with inherited bleeding disorders. In addition, it makes it possible for us to support the essential support programs that are provided by organizations and institutions serving the bleeding disorders communities. Should you be interested in making a donation to The Colburn-Keenan Foundation, Inc., please contact us at our postal or e-mail address. The Colburn-Keenan Foundation, Inc. is a charitable organization. The Foundation is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code and is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance with Code Section 170. All donations are tax-exempt to the extent allowed by law. |