Your donation helps create a perpetual source of funding for the philanthropic goals cherished by Donald and Kathy Ann. Gifts to The Colburn-Keenan Foundation can be given in many ways.

Smart philanthropy for you may be an outright gift of cash or stocks or a planned gift. A planned gift may be made during your lifetime or through an estate plan. The goal of planned giving is to enable you to maximize the benefits of a gift for yourself, for your family and for the Foundation while minimizing the cost of the gift. Some planned gifts provide you with income during your life. Other planned gifts provide a means to transfer assets to heirs while supporting the Foundation and minimizing or eliminating tax burdens.

Life Income Gift Plans

Charitable Gift Annuity

Deferred Gift Annuity

Pooled Income Fund

Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Deferred Gift Plans

Charitable Lead Trust

Retained Life Estate

Retirement Plans

Outright Gifts


Securities or Bonds

Real Estate

Tangible Personal Property

Life Insurance
